The Zzap ratings and labels

Here's an explanation of each of the sections of the ratings and labels, taken from the mighty pages of Zzap itself.

The Zzap Ratings

The Zzap Labels


Gold mdeal symbol  (8K)

Definitely a game above all others in the month of review. There may not be a Gold Medal game every issue, but if there is, get it! Just occasionally there may be two ...


sizzler symbol (5K) Hot games of the month -- must normally score around 90%. We reckon any ZZAP! Sizzler is a great buy, unless you really hate that particular type of game.


tacky symbol (4K) In our view, a second rate piece of software. Steer well clear.
Note : This page was originally on Alex's "Brigadoon - Zzap!64 Online" site, which has closed down while he's gone on a world trip and eventually planning to live and work in Dublin, Ireland. According to his farewell message on his site he gives premission to grab and download any pages of use. I contacted him directly to request permission to actually use those pages on this site and he agreed. His site will be offline (for at least a while) and these articles shouldn't be lost. Should he request it or his site comes back at a later stage, I'll delete these related files.

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